
Two-Martini Lunch a Threat to Life, Federal Booklet Says

From United Press International

The two-martini lunch is the perfect recreation for some, but for others it’s a threat to their lives and well being.

About 10 million Americans suffer from alcoholism, and consequently affect the lives of about 40 million others-family, friends and colleagues.

Recognizing this problem, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has published a booklet, “Treating Alcoholism,” that tells how to recognize signs of the disease, learn about its causes and treatments and identify sources of assistance. The booklet explains that people suffering from alcoholism can hide the illness from others, and themselves, for a long time.


To obtain a copy of “Treating Alcoholism,” send $3 to the Consumer Information Center, Dept. 162N, Pueblo, Colo. 81009.
