
Countywide : County Medical Assn. Plans Public Directory

The Orange County Medical Assn. has begun work on the county’s first public-oriented medical directory.

The directory, to be called Choices--85, will list hospitals and medical centers in alphabetical order and by city. It will include hospital emergency numbers and three-dimensional maps of the institutions.

Sections of the directory will be devoted to community health services, services for the handicapped, information for senior citizens and information on drugs and home health care. Information on choosing a physician will be included and physicians will be listed by specialties. Only physicians whose professional and academic backgrounds have been screened and who meet specified standards will be listed.


The first 200,000 copies of the directory will be printed in June. It is expected to cost $450,000 to publish, but most of the cost will be covered through advertisements. Although individual physicians will not be invited to advertise, space will be available for specialty groups.

The directory will be distributed through personnel and health care directors of large corporations and through schools, libraries, chambers of commerce and nonprofit health care agencies.
