
The Region : Firm’s Sewer Line Capped Over Cyanide

The Los Angeles Department of Public Works severed and capped the sewer pipe of a Glassell Park jewelry recycling center for allegedly dumping extremely high concentrations of cyanide into the sewer system. Rafidain Refinery Inc. at 3060 Roswell St. was reportedly found to be dumping up to 800 milligrams of cyanide per liter of water, the highest concentration of the chemical ever found in the city’s sewers, according to a department spokeswoman. The limit for poisonous cyanide discharge from plants that recycle jewelry to extract gold is 2 milligrams per liter, she said. Cyanide was found in the water as far as a mile from the plant, according to Edward J. Avila, a public works commissioner. “It was an extremely lethal discharge and it could have killed (someone).” The manager of the refinery, Krikor J. Mahrouk, said he believed that the six-month-old plant was complying with city regulations.
