

It was a delight to see contemporary art featured on the cover of Calendar (“Rebel Expressions,” by Elizabeth Venant, April 28), but that delight was soon crushed by the realization that once again we were being fed the crumbs from New York’s art table.

What’s new about white male artists (Eric Fischl, Julian Schnabel, Robert Longo and David Salle) reaping grossly exaggerated rewards for rehashing old styles? The message/purpose of the article was confusing.

Is it a plus to study at CalArts but a minus to remain in Los Angeles and make art? How can you headline the article “Rebel Expressions” when these guys are just following an established international trend?


Finally, why did The Times go to the trouble and expense to interview New York regional artists (who are already featured in every art publication) when they could be doing a service to their readers and local artists by reporting on the West Coast art scene?

How about interviewing some exciting West Coast artists who don’t look east for inspiration and approval and don’t have lunch with Maurice Tuchman?


artists, Los Angeles
