
San Diego

San Diego police have put the case of the threatening border leaflet “on the back burner” after Friday’s deadline of violence passed without incident. The leaflet demanded punishment for Border Patrol agent Edward (Ned) Cole, and compensation for the 12-year-old Mexican boy who was wounded when Cole shot through the border fence April 18 during an altercation with the boy’s older brother.

The leaflet stated, “Any North American male found in Mexican territory will be in the same situation to undergo what happened to our boy, Humberto Carrillo-Estrada.” It was signed by the “First Group Pro Dignity Mexico 1985.”

A single leaflet was turned over to border authorities May 7 by an unidentified American tourist, who said he was handed the leaflet while he waited to cross into the United States through the San Ysidro pedestrian entry.


“We’ve not seen others and we’ve not been able to locate the originator,” police spokesman Bill Robinson said Tuesday. “All we have is a half-page, typewritten note. The Mexican authorities have no idea who this group is. It’s on the back burner.”
