
Brea : Split Vote Postpones Development Decision

A decision on the fate of the Carbon Canyon area--whether to increase the number of homes there from fewer than 300 to as many as 4,371--was postponed following a split vote by the Planning Commission Tuesday night.

Concerned that overdevelopment of the 1,804 acres of the canyon could lead to problems such as landslides, lack of fire protection and heavy congestion on Carbon Canyon Road, commission member David Behoteguy voted with Suseela Neti against the proposal while members Tom Davis and Raymond Wolfert voted for the proposed development. Carl Clausen was absent.

“If you pack up the slopes with excessive density, you’re putting a lot of extra weight (on the land),” Behoteguy said Wednesday.


Instead of the proposed 30 units per acre, Behoteguy suggested that development be limited to no more than 15 units per acre. Commissioners are scheduled to take up the issue again at their May 28 meeting. The area lies along the junction of Orange, Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties.

If the City Council approves the development of 3,974 new units--with a 10% variance, or up to 4,371 units--Brea’s population could increase by one-third.
