
Teachers Assn. Neutral on Rift

In response to the article “Drama Over Lynwood Superintendent: Is Next Act Near?” (Southeast / Long Beach sections, May 9) we wish to state emphatically that the Lynwood Teachers Assn. has taken a position of neutrality in this political struggle.

We believe that our comments as they appeared in the article listed under the heading “Strong Support” were misleading. A superintendent is responsible for the educational climate in his/her district. If a superintendent, as in the case of the classroom teacher, is not performing according to the guidelines, there is an established process (evaluation) by which that person is removed. Therefore, a superintendent must also be subjected to an evaluation procedure.

The writer of the article failed to include our comments in their entirety. He took literary license in placing us into a category that is not representative of our views.


We again reiterate that the Lynwood Teachers Assn. supports education, teachers rights and the rights of parents and students to an educational program of quality.


Lynwood Teachers Assn. president


Lynwood Teachers Assn.

