
The Nice Tourist

I never kick, nag or criticize. I wouldn’t dream of making a scene. Yes, I’m a nice tourist. But I’ll tell you something--I’m the tourist who never comes back. It’s true that this doesn’t relieve my feelings right away, but in the long run it works in a far more deadly way. A nice tourist like me, multiplied by others of my kind, can just about ruin a business.

And there are lots of us in the world. When we get pushed far enough we go down the street to another restaurant. We eat in places that are smart enough to hire waiters who appreciate what we have to offer.

Together, we do the rude people out of millions of dollars each year. It amuses me when I see places frantically spending extra money on advertising just to get me back, when they could have held me in the first place with a friendly smile and a few kind words.



Clifton, Utah
