
Former McMartin Student, 8, Accuses Defendant of Rape

An 8-year-old girl testified Monday in the McMartin Pre-School hearing that Raymond Buckey, 26, the chief defendant in the case, raped and sodomized her and cut off the ears of a rabbit with a butcher knife to frighten her and other children into silence.

She also testified that Buckey’s mother, Peggy McMartin Buckey, 58, fondled her.

The child, who attended the Manhattan Beach school five years ago, testified that she saw Raymond Buckey undressed on more than one occasion and that he forced her to play a “naked game” called “horsie.”

The witness is the 12th child to testify in the preliminary hearing in Los Angeles Municipal Court to determine whether seven former teachers at the school should stand trial on 208 counts of molestation and conspiracy.
