
CompCare Signs Largest Contract in Firm’s History

Comprehensive Care Corp. of Newport Beach Tuesday signed the largest contract in company history, an agreement to manage and expand a 95-bed psychiatric facility operated by Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in Dyer, Indiana.

CompCare Chairman B. Lee Karns said Tuesday that the contract will represent about $3 million a year in revenues. CompCare, a major provider of psychiatric and chemical dependency programs, manages more than 160 facilities and contracts nationwide. The new contract calls for CompCare to open a new 25-bed CareUnit chemical dependency program at the hospital. Don Manchak, chief executive officer of the Indiana hospital, said CompCare was chosen over 7 competing companies for “the depth of the company’s resources and support systems, its professionalism, and its flexibility in designing a program to meet our particular needs.”

Our Lady of Mercy is one of 17 divisions of Sisters of Mercy Corp. of Farmington Hills, Mich.
