
Some Progress in Postal Relations

I am writing in reference to the Aug. 22 article in the San Gabriel Valley section entitled “Discontent of Postal Workers Reported Growing in Valley.” As one of the organizers and authors of the petition circulated among employees of the Alhambra Post Office, I feel that the statements presented by management officials Mr. (Reginald) Martin and Mr. (Hector) Godinez concerning the degree of labor-management tension in the post office are misleading. Their statements seem to imply that only a few employees were discontented. The reality was that more than 90% of Alhambra postal employees expressed this discontent by signing the petition.

At the time the petition was circulated, management-employee relations had deteriorated so badly that even after going through “the proper civil and in-house channels,” we saw no other alternative but to involve an outside mediator. As an Alhambra postal carrier, I feel that as a result of the involvement of Rep. (Matthew G.) Martinez (D-Monterey Park) and the GAO investigators there has been significant improvement in management-employee relations. Now that some progress has been made, let us work together toward long-term permanent solutions so that we can continue to devote all our efforts to providing first-class mail service to the public.


