
UCLA Program Will Explore Rental Policies, Market Forces

The third annual Donald G. Hagman Commemorative Program Sept. 26-27 at UCLA will deal with the subject, “Rental Housing in California: Are Market Forces and Public Policies on a Collision Course?”

The $135, two-day program at the UCLA Faculty Center is sponsored by UCLA Extension’s Public Policy Program and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Co-sponsors are the university’s School of Law and School of Architecture and Urban Planning and the UC Irvine Program in Social Ecology.

Among the speakers are Anthony Downs, the Brookings Institution; Fred E. Case of UCLA’s Graduate School of Management,/; Ralph Catalano, UC Irvine; Susan DeSantis, California Department of Housing & Community Development, and Ben Bartolotto, research director of the Construction Industry Research Board.


Also, Stephen Carlson, executive director of the California Housing Council; Bradley Inman, Bay Area Council, and Fred Kahane, housing project manager, Southern California Assn. of Governments.

Other speakers and panelists include: June Koch, federal Department of Housing and Urban Development; Ira S. Lowry, housing and development consultant; Christine Minnehan, senior consultant to the state Senate; Francine Rabinovitz, USC; George Sternlieb, Rutgers University; Larry Susskind, Harvard University, and Michael Teitz, UC Berkeley.

More information and a brochure can be obtained from Public Policy Program, Room 731, UCLA Extension, 10995 Le Conte Ave., Los Angeles 90024.
