
Private U.S. Aid to Sandinistas

The article on private American citizens who are donating their own time and money to build schools and clinics in Nicaragua was the first hopeful thing I have read this year in opposition to unremitting barbarism.

Using our money as well as our good name, the government of the United States is attempting to prolong indefinitely a bloody civil war that could have ended more than five years ago. Since the contras have little hope of winning, U.S. policy is nothing but a cynical ploy to bleed the “Red” Sandinistas white, destroy the national infrastructure and discredit the revolution when the shattered economy collapses.

We Americans don’t have to admire the leaders of Nicaragua to feel enormous anger when CIA puppets are picking out teachers and health workers for assassination in rural areas. Marxist-Leninism will continue to spread if its self-proclaimed enemies go on killing the men and women who teach children how to read.



