
Costa Mesa : Council Decision Due on New Condominiums

For the third time in two months, a development that would involve the construction of 160 condominiums on an active oil field will come before the City Council tonight for a public hearing and a vote.

At its Aug. 5 meeting, the council voted to delay a final decision on the environmental impact report for the project, to be built on 10.9 acres on 18th Street.

However, during the interim, the council has met with state oil experts to explore the impact of the project and discuss the possible dangers that active oil wells could pose to residents.


Also due to come before the council for a public hearing and a vote will be a first reading of an ordinance permitting establishment of fortune-telling parlors in Costa Mesa.

Costa Mesa last year adopted an emergency ordinance placing a moratorium on the opening of palm-reading and similar businesses. However, a recent state Supreme Court decision striking down such laws has prompted the City Council to consider scrapping its laws that ban the parlors.

The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive.
