
I’ve read Viewers’ Views for quite some...

I’ve read Viewers’ Views for quite some time now and I had to write to tell you that I am disgusted with all the complaining people do. If people can’t say something nice about the media, why don’t they turn off the set and get a second job in order to earn money for a VCR? Then they won’t be depressed when a talk-show hostess hams it up in front of the camera, they won’t experience bleeding ulcers if a newscaster didn’t get the names correct for all of Madonna’s hits, they won’t experience sensory deprivation when 20 minutes are edited out of a 20-year-old movie and they won’t succumb to suicidal thoughts if they can’t find anything else to watch late at night except music videos. Seriously, with the amount of complaining I read, you’d think that people don’t have anything better to do but write these critical letters.

Michael J. Cody, San Marino
