
Is Jogging an Exercise in Self-Indulgence?

Physical fitness buffs unite! Where (in today’s popular vernacular) is Richard Eder (Opinion, Nov. 3) coming from? Can it be that jogging is (you should excuse the expression) an “exercise” in self-indulgence? Perhaps a little, but it is a good kind of self-indulgence. It makes us feel better about ourselves--thus we are better able to cope with people and conditions around us. It might even give us more energy to devote to philanthropic efforts.

And what about all those 10K runs and bicycle races specifically designed to benefit different charities--this is self-indulgent and self-satisfying? Well, if it is, it’s the kind we need more of.

And as for a childhood bereft of memorable smells--I hope that fond memories of home and childhood are not dependent on the smell of breakfast. Cantaloupe, oatmeal and yogurt sounds good to me. Certainly, oatmeal is not some new health fad. It appeared on our breakfast table regularly some 50 odd years ago and up till now I hadn’t noticed that it affected my psyche in any way.

But the smell of bacon might have because my “Yiddishe Momma” did not allow it in the house. Eating healthy food is not a deterrent to gathering around the table for family dinners.


If Eder does not want to exercise regularly or eat healthy food--so be it--but let’s not make it sound like a little jogging is going to turn us into a self-indulgent, uncaring population!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but as for me, I’m going to go right on aerobic dancing, burning those calories and feeling good--I hope it won’t be considered unpatriotic!


Culver City
