
Dine in Peace

Nonsmoking, fine!!! No children, marvelous!!! This is a random sampling, of course, and represents only one man’s experience, but it measures a span of over 50 years of dining in restaurants in almost every state in America, many places in the Middle East and most of Europe.

My complaint is a logically defensible one: I do not wish to dine out and be subjected to the crying, tantrums and general chaos caused by children under the age of 5 while their obviously ill-bred parents look on with beaming affection. I cannot recall such an occurrence in countries other than the United States and am more than reasonably sure that I am not singular in my feelings. My hat will be doffed to the restaurateur with the wit and courage to establish either a NO-CHILDREN policy, a dining hour that would exclude them, or some alternative solution.

Please let me dine in peace.


El Cajon
