
Paramount : Broken Glass Prompts Law

Beginning Jan. 2, it will be illegal to carry glass beverage containers at parks and recreational areas in the city.

The City Council unanimously approved the ordinance in an attempt to control the problem of broken glass in the parks and, specifically, the athletic fields, including softball and soccer areas, Pat West, director of human services, said.

“There are too many broken bottles out there. There are also some injuries because of the glass,” West said.


Violation of the ordinance, a misdemeanor, could result in a citation. The maximum penalty would be a $50 fine.

The law is based on ordinances in the cities of Napa and Petaluma, West said.

Jim Raymond, director of parks and recreation for the City of Petaluma, said Petaluma passed its ordinance more than 12 years ago.

In the past three years, the city has not cited anyone, Raymond said.

“We know we will never be able to enforce the law 100%, but it gives us some leverage. When we rent a facility, we have the authority to tell people they cannot bring glass in,” Raymond said.
