
West Adams Neighborhood

As a black resident of West Adams, I was appalled to read the statements of fellow black neighbors quoted in your article. There were out-and-out racist remarks regarding “our neighborhood,” keeping out other “groups,” and the “whites are trying to take over our neighborhood.” These people must have short memories.

I also know the white people who are being attacked. They improve their property. They join (or sometimes form) block clubs. They attend hearings and meetings on community matters. They paint out graffiti. They participate fully in this community along with their black neighbors. They meet every definition of good neighbors that I have ever heard. Whether they have lived here six months, six years or 60 years, this is also their neighborhood.

Over the years there have been a lot of white people out there, including many of these new residents, who supported us in our struggles. It is rather obvious that people who desire to live in an all-white community would not move to West Adams. Black people cannot afford the luxury of preaching discrimination or separation. Too many, black and white, have fought too long and hard, and have paid too dearly, even with their lives, to go back to that.

I am very disappointed that your editorial failed in any way to discuss the perceptions or feelings of those being attacked. If this were occurring in a white community into which blacks were moving and white people were saying these things the issue would certainly have been treated differently. These people have been good neighbors and deserve to feel welcome here. I personally feel that it is a sad commentary on our community if there are not some black voices raised in their support.



Los Angeles
