
NMS Pharmaceuticals Seeks Product Approval

NMS Pharmaceuticals Inc. of Newport Beach is seeking approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for consumer and professional sales of a urine blood test to detect urinary tract problems. The in-home test to detect blood in urine is the third consumer test the company has sought approval for this year.

Blood in the urine may be an early warning sign of many ailments, such as infections, cancer, stones, prostatic enlargement, kidney disease, trauma or malformations of the genito-urinary tract, the company said.

The product will be sold under the brand name EZ-Detect, which is also the name used for the company’s in-home test kit to detect hidden blood in the stool. EZ-Detect for stool blood was approved earlier this year by the FDA for use by consumers and professionals.


The company also earned FDA approval for marketing to professionals only a test for quick, early pregnancy detection. A request for marketing that product to consumers is pending, the company said.
