

KCET Channel 28 received a $600,000 grant from the W. M. Keck Foundation on Monday, the third major financial award in as many weeks for the public television station.

KCET President William Kobin said the Keck Foundation money will be used for the production and acquisition of programming and for the purchase of a new, fully integrated video switching system that “will have an enormous impact on the quality of our productions, especially in the area of special effects.”

On Dec. 18, KCET received a $750,000 challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for the development, production and acquisition of humanities programming. Then on Dec. 27, it got $250,000 from the Irvine Foundation for the station’s creative venture fund.


“The growing support from both local and national foundations is evidence of a high degree of confidence in KCET’s fiscal stability and programming creativity,” Kobin said in a prepared statement.
