
County Bill for Immigrants

As a former resident of Los Angeles County who now pays his citizen’s dues to San Diego County, I take issue with Schabarum’s conclusion that it is “morally and financially unacceptable” for county residents to be responsible for immigrants and refugees in our midst.

All of the supervisor’s “eye-opening statistics” provide irrefutable arguments that lead to the very opposite conclusion.

America is enriched by a continuing infusion of newcomers. To the extent that we elevate their quality of life, we elevate our own. That is our reality. What motivates it, is the cornerstone of our greatness: We care.


Supervisor Schabarum invokes the glowing words of Emma Lazarus, emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty, then tarnishes them with his rejection of the very persons she welcomed: “. . . your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free . . .” How ironic it is that a political leader should convert the American dream into a nightmare.


Lake San Marcos
