

The California Department of Insurance made public these comparative insurance rates by accumulated ZIP code areas in the San Fernando Valley. These 18 insurance groups sell about 75% of all private preferred auto insurance in the state and rates were those in effect in November, 1985. Rates to individuals will vary based on age, driving record, use of car, mileage driven and the amount of insurance coverage. (A survey of citywide rates, Part I, Page 3)

DRIVER 1 (FIGURES ARE IN BOLD TYPE) Driver 1 is a 23-year-old single woman who drives 10 miles to work and drives less than 15,000 miles a year. She has no traffic citations and no accidents. She drives a 1984 car that cost between $8,001 and $10,000 new--a Chevrolet Monte Carlo 2-door, a Honda LX or a Ford Mustang “L.” Insurance coverage includes injury liability of $15,000 per person with a maximum of $30,000 per accident; property damage liability of $10,000 per accident; medical payments of $2,000 per person; uninsured motorist (U/M) $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident; comprehensive with a $100 deductible and collision with $200 deductible.

DRIVER 2 (FIGURES ARE IN LIGHT TYPE) Driver 2, 42, is a married man who drives three miles to work and less than 12,000 miles a year. He has no citations but one at-fault accident 2 years ago. He drives a 1981 car that cost between $6,500 and $8,000 new--Dodge Colt, Mercury Zephyr sedan, Toyota Tercel 2-door or Corolla. Insurance coverage includes injury liability of $100,000 per person with a maximum of $300,000 per accident; property damage liability of $50,000 per accident; medical payments of $5,000 per person; uninsured motorist (U/M) $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident; comprehensive with a $200 deductible and collision with $500 deductible.



City State Auto Club 20th Zip Code Farm Farmers of So. Cal. Allstate Century Agoura 927 1078 --- 917 443 91301 677 711 --- 643 474 Burbank 1016-1314 1324 769 1202 597 91501-06 723-945 892 830 853 647 Calabasas 1347 1490 924 1424 443 91302 986 1027 1005 1017 474 Canyon Country 861 927 600 889 450 91351 584 605 661 614 483 Chatsworth 1305 1573 888 1481 597 91311 954 1082 958 1084 647 Encino 1347 1511 924 1608 597 91316+46 986 1041 1005 1169 647 Granada Hills 1305 1490 888 1461 597 91344 954 1027 958 1054 647 Newhall 861 927 600 889 450 91321 584 605 661 614 483 Northridge 1305 1490 888 1461-1481 597 91324-26 954 1027 958 1054-1084 647 Pacoima/Arleta 1314 1703 859 1461 597 91331 945 1201 909 1054 647 Panorama City 1314 1703 888 1461 597 91402 945 1201 958 1054 647 Reseda 1305 1511 924 1461 597 91335 954 1041 1005 1054 647 San Fernando 1314 1324 859 1461 597 91340 945 892 909 1054 647 San Fernando 1305 1511 888 1461 597 91343 954 1041 958 1054 647 Saugus/Castaic 861 927 600 889 450 91310-50 584 605 661 614 483 Sun Valley 1314 1324 769 1461 597 91352 945 892 830 1054 647 Sunland 1016 1324 769 1202 464 91040 723 892 830 853 501 Sylmar 1314 1324 859 1202 597 91342 945 892 909 853 647 Tarzana 1347 1511 924 1608 597 91356 986 1041 1005 1169 647 Topanga 1493 1490 972 1424 597 90290 1068 1027 1050 1017 647 Tujunga 1016 1238 769 1202 464 91042 723 834 830 853 501 Valencia 861 927 600 889 450 91355 584 605 661 614 483 Van Nuys 1314-1358 1703 888-1021 1461-1608 597 91401-23 945-977 1201 958-1105 1054-1169 647 Van Nuys 1347 1511 924 1461 597 91406 986 1041 1005 1054 647 Woodland Hills 1347 1490 924 1424 597 91364+67 986 1027 1005 1017 647

City Ohio Mercury Conti- Zip Code U.S.A.A.* SAFECO GEICO Casualty Casualty nental Agoura 613 899 1240 1133 669 1334 91301 504 670 1141 817 473 1070 Burbank 777 1046 1247 1101 748 1331 91501-06 643 747 1136 798 545 1090 Calabasas 613 899 1240 1133 669 1334 91302 504 670 1141 817 473 1070 Canyon Country 619 878 819 840 717 979 91351 493 563 738 588 492 772 Chatsworth 884 1186 1240 1133 987 1334 91311 729 894 1141 817 697 1070 Encino 896 1186 1240 1133 987 1334 91316+46 740 894 1141 817 697 1070 Granada Hills 884 1186 1240 1133 987 1334 91344 729 894 1141 817 697 1070 Newhall 619 878-1201 819 840-1101 717 979 91321 493 563-980 738 588-798 492 772 Northridge 884 1186 1240 1133 987 1334 91324-26 729 894 1141 817 697 1070 Pacoima/Arleta 819 1201 1320 1101 909 1331 91331 676 908 1128 798 644 1090 Panorama City 960 1224 1305 1144 987 1380 91402 792 932 1181 823 697 1157 Reseda 896 1186 1240 1133 893 1334 91335 740 894 1141 817 636 1070 San Fernando 819 1201 1247 1101 909 1331 91340 676 908 1136 798 644 1090 San Fernando 884 1186 1305 1133 987 1331 91343 729 894 1181 817 697 1090 Saugus/Castaic 619 878 819 840 717 979 91310-50 493 563 738 588 492 772 Sun Valley 777 1055-1201 1247 786-1101 748-909 1331 91352 643 751-908 1136 577-798 545-644 1090 Sunland 777 1055 1005 786 909 694 91040 643 751 907 577 644 912 Sylmar 819 1055-1201 1247 786-1101 987 1331 91342 676 751-908 1136 577-798 697 1090 Tarzana 896 1186 1240 1123 987 1334 91356 740 894 1141 817 697 1070 Topanga 913 1186-1311 1240 1063-1133 893 1334 90290 741 894-1035 1141 785-817 636 1070 Tujunga 777 1055 1005 786 909 694 91042 643 751 907 577 644 912 Valencia 619 875-1201 819 840-1101 717 979 91355 493 563-908 738 588-798 492 772 Van Nuys 960 1224 1305 1144 916-987 1380 91401-23 792 932 1181 823 655-697 1157 Van Nuys 896 1186 1305 1133 987 1380 91406 740 894 1181 817 697 1157 Woodland Hills 896 1186-1311 1240 1063-1133 893 1334 91364+67 740 894-1035 1141 785-817 636 1070

* Military and dependents only.

Aetna City Liberty California Casualty J.C. Zip Code Nationwide Mutual Casualty Surety Penney Agoura 966 --- 1315 --- 884 91301 928 --- 1017 --- 694 Burbank 718-954 841-1169 1426 1214 1540 91501-06 672-904 779-1081 1115 1142 1218 Calabasas 966 1213 1315 1002 1542 91302 928 1141 1017 966 1264 Canyon Country --- 735 904 798 930 91351 --- 680 685 718 728 Chatsworth 966 1213 1315 1002 1542 91311 928 1141 1017 966 1264 Encino 966 1213 1315 1002 1542 91316+46 928 1141 1017 966 1264 Granada Hills 966 1213 1315 1002 1540 91344 928 1141 1017 966 1218 Newhall --- 735 904 798 930 91321 --- 680 685 718 728 Northridge 966 1213 1315 1002 1542 91324-26 928 1141 1017 966 1264 Pacoima/Arleta 954 1169 1426 1214 1540 91331 904 1081 1115 1142 1218 Panorama City 954 1169 1426 1214 1540 91402 904 1081 1115 1142 1218 Reseda 966 1213 1315 1002 1542 91335 928 1141 1017 966 1264 San Fernando 954 1169 1426 1214 1540 91340 676 908 1136 798 644 San Fernando 966 1213 1315 1002 1540 91343 928 1141 1017 966 1218 Saugus/Castaic --- 735 904 798 930 91310-50 --- 680 685 718 728 Sun Valley 954 1169 1426 1214 1540 91352 904 1081 1115 1142 1218 Sunland 718 841 1327 848 1182 91040 672 779 1049 722 958 Sylmar 954 1169 1426 1214 1540 91342 904 1081 1115 1142 1218 Tarzana 966 1213 1315 1002 1542 91356 928 1141 1017 966 1264 Topanga 1069 1213 1560 1202 1542 90290 1003 1141 1212 1026 1264 Tujunga 718 841 1327 848 1182 91042 672 779 1049 722 958 Valencia --- 735 904 798 930 91355 --- 680 685 718 728 Van Nuys 954 1169 1426 1214 1540 91401-23 904 1081 1115 1142 1218 Van Nuys 966 1213 1315 1020 1540 91406 928 1141 1017 972 1218 Woodland Hills 966 1213 1315 1002 1542 91364+67 928 1141 1017 966 1264


Civil Service Hartford Employees Casualty Agoura --- --- 91301 --- --- Burbank 926 940 91501-06 789 1030 Calabasas 1207 1500 91302 1055 1640 Canyon Country 873 --- 91351 724 --- Chatsworth 1207 1500 91311 1055 1640 Encino 873-1207 1500 91316+46 724-1055 1640 Granada Hills 1207 1500 91344 1055 1640 Newhall 873 --- 91321 724 --- Northridge 1207 1500 91324-26 1055 1640 Pacoima/Arleta 1267 1576 91331 1107 1702 Panorama City 1325 1576 91402 1147 1702 Reseda 1207 1500 91335 1055 1640 San Fernando 1267 1576 91340 1107 1702 San Fernando 1207 1500 91343 1055 1640 Saugus/Castaic 873 --- 91310-50 724 --- Sun Valley 1267 940 91352 1107 1030 Sunland 926 940 91040 789 1030 Sylmar 1267 1576 91342 1107 1702 Tarzana 1207 1500 91356 1055 1640 Topanga 1206 1500 90290 1047 1640 Tujunga 926 940 91042 789 1030 Valencia 873 --- 91355 724 --- Van Nuys 1325 1576 91401-23 1147 1702 Van Nuys 1207 1500 91406 1055 1640 Woodland Hills 1207 1500 91364+67 1055 1640
