
Fingerprinting Relief Applicants

I am outraged and shocked by the action of the Board of Supervisors to mandate fingerprinting and photographs for general relief applicants who fail to produce acceptable identification.

The system is already deeply entrenched in preventing access to funds theoretically allotted to the homeless and especially the mentally ill homeless. This new measure certainly will help to provide a new obstacle in a course already strewn with too many barriers.

I continue to applaud Supervisor Ed Edelman for his continued efforts on behalf of the homeless mentally ill. It is his lone vote against this measure that will enable me to proceed with my work with the mentally ill homeless on the Westside.


Just as we are trying to develop more comprehensive and coordinated programs for this population, this action by the Board of Supervisors undermines my energy and enthusiasm for continued work in this most difficult field of psychiatry.

Compassion, understanding and flexibility are essential qualities for us all to have if successful work with the homeless is to be accomplished. Support by all federal, state, and county agencies in a coordinated fashion is mandatory for any program to succeed.


Director of Outreach Services

Santa Monica West

Mental Health Services

Los Angeles County

Department of Mental Health

Santa Monica
