
English Movement Spokesman

I attended the recent San Marino City Council meeting where Kevin Forbes presented his English language resolution to the council. I was shocked by Councilman Howard Privett’s diatribe against Forbes, who really should have been supported for his logical solution to preserve unity and communication in San Marino by encouraging the use of English.

Privett appeared all the more ridiculous because, while only a local politician, he had the audacity to attack, in effect, the widely known and respected former U.S. Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, who leads our Official English Movement at the state level. Privett’s vicious attack on Forbes was not only an insult to Forbes but also an affront to the dignity and respect of San Marino.

As a beginning to undo the damage he has done to Forbes, to the community and to the Official English Movement, Privett ought to make a public apology at an upcoming City Council meeting.


For the present, score one point for the alien immigrants. However, Privett should realize that as more non-English-speaking aliens flock to San Marino, the Official English Movement will only get that much stronger among the English-speaking residents.

Another occurrence at that City Council meeting disgusted me. Privett highly praised the Chinese community in San Marino for making money contributions to the city’s police and fire departments and to the city schools. I was bothered by one nagging suspicion, though. I couldn’t help wondering if Privett really appreciated the aliens themselves as people or rather appreciated their large donations to the city. City politicians beholden to special interest groups is certainly nothing new, but in San Marino it could be the start of an ugly trend.

Richard Carlblom

leader, Official English Movement

