
‘Dog-Barking Rights’

I couldn’t agree more with Gerber that noise rights should end where my ears begin (I work at home also). But I strongly disagree with her choice of a barking dog as primary culprit. A dog at least is a living creature and its bark is a natural sound.

I would gladly take the barking dog in exchange for the hot rodder next door to me and his love affair with his car. He displays his affection for hours, at all hours, just outside my living room windows, using a high-pitched electrical machine that sounds like a dentist’s drill to polish, buff and grind.

This sound is so grating and unpleasant, in fact, that he wears headphones to drown it out, yet when I complain he says he has the right to do as he pleases on his own property! I believe his noise should be kept on his own property too.



