
Santa Ana : Arnold’s a Fine Piglet, but Alex Wants Petunia

Alex Hanegan, the 3-year-old whose piglet Petunia disappeared a week ago, was a happy boy Saturday. He got a new piglet to replace Petunia.

Alex and his grandmother, Hilda Hanegan, picked up 6-week-old Arnold in Riverside on Saturday morning. Ray Higgins, the general manager of a Riverside car dealership, presented Alex with his new piglet.

Arnold, who is white with a black head, will only be with Alex a few days. Alex will display the new piglet to his preschool class this week and then Arnold will be sent to his uncle’s farm in Riverside County.


Meanwhile, the boy will continue to search for Petunia, which disappeared from the backyard last Sunday. Alex figures his piglet dug a hole by the fence and crawled out.

“He still wants his original piglet,” his grandmother said.
