
Gardena Angler Lands a 58-4 Albacore

Glen Oshima of Gardena hooked up a 58-pound 4-ounce albacore at the Airplane Bank, 70 miles south of San Diego Tuesday, and after a 2 1/2-hour fight, he reeled it in.

Oshima, using 15-pound test line, was aboard The Prowler, an all-day boat out of Fisherman’s Landing.

SAN SIMEON--15 anglers (1 boat): 5 ling cod, 13 rock cod, 35 red rock cod, 42 red snapper, 135 bass.


MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--63 anglers (3 boats): 59 albacore.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--21 anglers (2 boats): 15 calico bass, 3 mackerel, 127 red snapper, 194 rockfish.

VENTURA (Ventura Landing)--34 anglers (1 boat): 240 calico bass, 2 bonito, 1 cabazon, 6 barracuda, 60 rockfish.

OXNARD--111 anglers (4 boats): 13 barracuda, 56 whitefish, 40 bonito, 7 cabazon, 402 rockfish, 500 calico bass.


PORT HUENEME--22 anglers (2 boats): 150 rock cod, 120 calico bass, 17 bonito, 60 rockfish, 1 yellowtail, 2 barracuda.

MALIBU--61 anglers (3 boats): 55 calico bass, 2 sand bass, 120 bonito, 183 rockfish, 1 white sea bass.

MARINA DEL REY--66 anglers (3 boats): 2 halibut, 2 barracuda, 270 sand bass, 37 bonito, 190 rock cod.


REDONDO--161 anglers (6 boats): 50 yellowtail, 340 bonito, 161 bass, 1 halibut, 60 rockfish. Barge--91 anglers: 105 bonito, 2 bass, 680 mackerel.

SAN PEDRO (22nd St. Landing)--97 anglers (3 boats): 219 bonito, 90 calico bass, 58 sand bass, 151 rockfish. (Ports ‘O Call)--60 anglers (3 boats): 24 calico bass, 30 sand bass, 2 whitefish, 208 bonito, 21 rockfish, 38 mackerel.

LONG BEACH (Belmont Pier)--72 anglers (3 boats): 120 sand bass, 5 calico bass, 170 bonito, 1 halibut, 3 barracuda, 20 rockfish, 250 mackerel. (Queen’s Wharf)--104 anglers (3 boats): 5 blue fin tuna, 121 bonito, 171 calico bass, 93 sand bass, 392 rockfish, 111 whitefish, 725 mackerel.

NEWPORT (Newport Landing)--62 anglers (4 boats): 137 bonito, 165 sand bass, 20 calico bass, 2 rockfish, 344 mackerel. (Davey’s Locker)--195 anglers (6 boats): 461 bonito, 473 sand bass, 24 calico bass, 2 white sea bass, 8 barracuda, 2 blue perch, 6 blue shark, 244 mackerel.

DANA WHARF--125 anglers (6 boats): 87 bass, 184 bonito, 2 yellowtail, 32 rockfish, 312 mackerel.

OCEANSIDE--76 anglers (2 boats): 377 bonito, 12 calico bass, 28 sand bass, 3 halibut, 110 mackerel.


SAN DIEGO (H&M; landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--31 anglers (2 boats): 2 bigeye tuna, 1 yellowtail, 43 bass, 30 bonito, 105 rockfish. (Seaforth)--132 anglers (5 boats): 1 yellowtail, 560 bonito, 64 calico bass, 6 sand bass, 93 rockfish, 123 mackerel. (Islandia)--73 anglers (3 boats): 360 bonito, 2 yellowtail, 1 halibut, 26 calico bass, 8 rockfish, 89 mackerel, 100 bullet tuna.


WILLOW BEACH--Good for trout, 10 to 20 inches, up and down the Colorado River on cheese and worms.

LAKE MEAD--Striped bass best bet in early morning and late afternoon. Catfish good on anchovies 35 to 50 feet.

BULLHEAD CITY--Rainbow trout, pansize, plentiful by trolling deep. Catfish good in back bays. Good for night fishing.

SALTON SEA--Corvina good at Red Hill.

LAKE CACHUMA--Trout and catfish best bets. Trout good in deep waters near dam. Catfish excellent 20 feet and under near Mohawk area, Cachuma and Santa Cruz bays on mackerel and nightcrawlers. Undersize bass plentiful in shallow water.

LAKE CASITAS--Excellent for catfish on mackerel at 30 feet near Sunken Island. Trout good at 70 feet by the dam. Crappie picking up. Bass fair.


LAKE PIRU--Bass good early morning on surface lures. Some limits. Trout fair by dam by trolling. Catfish fair near dam and Santa Felicia Cove.

LAKE SKINNER--Good for bass, catfish and bluegill. Bass hitting in east end of lake. Catfish hot at east, south forks and near dam. Bluegill scattered near shore. Mike Woods, Perris, 8-0 catfish; Steve Schaetzel, West Covina, 6-1 catfish; David Drake, Placentia, 3-1 bass.

CASTAIC LAKE--Catfish good in upper and lower lakes. Tony Marik, Eagle Rock, 13-8 catfish. Paul Campbell and Del Pragnell, Sun Valley, 2 limits of bass weighing 20 pounds. Some bluegill and crappie. Trout slow.

LAKE ISABELLA--Catfish best bet from shore. Bluegill good but small. Trout picking up. Bass in deep water.

SAN DIEGO LAKES--El Capitan: Bass and bluegill fair. Blue catfish good. Sutherland: Bluegill best bet. Bass fair. Water temperature 80 degrees. Hodges: Excellent for bluegill. Bass good. Top bass: 11-8. Otay: Bass best bet. Catfish good Top cat: 20-5. Bluegill fair. Miramar: All species fair.

IRVINE LAKE--Catfish best bet. Top catch: 13-12. Bass good, but small. Note: No state fishing license is now required for anglers at Irvine Lake.


BIG BEAR--Trout best bet at Rock Wall, Zebra Room and the observatory. Catfish good at Eagle Point.

VAIL LAKE--Bass, bluegill and catfish best bets. Barbara Holliday, West Covina, 8-10 bass. Emil Godfrey, Westminster, 8-0, released; Mark Eskew, Fullerton, 8-3 bass.

LAKE HENSHAW--Good for bass and catfish. Catfish running 9 to 15 pounds. Crappie slow.

BISHOP AREA--Sabrina and South lakes excellent for rainbow trout to 13 inches. Middle fork of Bishop Creek good for planted trout. Intake II good for trout on flies in evenings, baits in day hours. Pleasant Valley Reservoir slow to fair for trout. Caddis hatch underway on Lower Owens River. Fly fishing good in evenings.

CONVICT LAKE--Fishing slow. Some action at Benton Crossing. Josie Rios, Lomita, 2-0 rainbow.

BRIDGEPORT AREA--Slow overall. Full moon. East Walker picking up with medium flow. Twin Lakes good for limits of trout on nightcrawlers. Virginia Lakes fair for trout on baby nightcrawlers. Virginia Creek good for pansize trout. Dry flies useful at Green Lakes and Green Creek.

Trout Plants

LOS ANGELES--Castaic Lake.

SAN BERNARDINO--Big Bear Lake, Silverwood Lake.

INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, South and Intake II), Georges Creek, Independence Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, North Lake, Pine Creek, Rock Creek (Rock Creek Lake to the end of the road), Rock Creek Lake, Shepherds Creek, South Lake, Taboose Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Tuttle Creek.


MONO--Convict Lake, Convict Creek, Ellery Lake, George Lake, Grant Lake, Gull Lake, Hilton Creek, June Lake, Lee Vining Creek, Lee Vining Creek (South Fork), Lundy Lake, Mamie Lake, Mammoth Creek, Mary Lake, McGee Creek, Mill Creek, Owens River (Benton Crossing and Big Springs), Reverse Creek, Robinson Creek, Rock Creek (Paradise Camp to Tom’s Place, Tom’s Place upstream to Rock Creek Lake), Rush Creek, Saddlebag Creek, Saddlebag Lake, Sherwin Creek, Silver Lake, Tioga Lake, Trumbull Lake, Twin Lakes Bridgeport, Twin Lakes Mammoth, Virginia Lakes, Walker River (Chris Flat campground to town of Walker, Leavitt Meadows campground to Sonora Bridge).

TULARE--Kern River (Fairview Dam to KR3 Powerhouse, Johnsondale Bridge to Fairview Dam).

KERN--Kern River (Borell Powerhouse to Democrat Dam, KR3 Powerhouse to Lake Isabella).

MADERA--San Joaquin River (Middle Fork), Sotcher Lake, Starkweather Lake.
