
Plea to GOP

Though I am retired after 22 years service as a California congressman, I am still keenly interested in the politics of my native state.

As I view the current race for the U.S. Senate, I fear that Republicans might repeat a mistake they made 18 years ago.

In 1968, Republican Sen. Thomas Kuchel was ousted in a primary, and the party did not unite in support of the GOP nominee. As a result, Alan Cranston was elected and owes his incumbency to a Republican split in 1968.


What Republicans got for their lack of unity is a senator who ranks among the 10 who most often opposed President Reagan.

My fervent hope is that Republicans will unite in 1986 and avoid the mistake they made 18 years ago. California and the nation cannot afford another six years of Alan Cranston. Ed Zschau deserves solid Republican support.


Monument, Colo.
