
Proposition 61: Salary Limits

Thank you for your editorial.

Public employees have traditionally been the targets of fiscal fanatics who look for popular opportunities to cut spending no matter the real costs in diminished services or in the diminished quality of community living standards.

You correctly point out that the initial cost to taxpayers of Proposition 61 would be $7 billion in vacation and sick-time payouts to public employees. Proposition 61 would supposedly save California some $24 million per year. It would take nearly 292 years to recover the initial outlay of $7 billion required to implement Proposition 61 were it to be adopted.

Fixing public employees’ salaries at the rates suggested by Proposition 61 is both unfair and ridiculous. Private industry salaries far exceed those in public service. Proposition 61 is an unkind cut to a very dedicated portion of the work force. Your opposition to Proposition 61 is most welcome indeed.



Santa Monica
