
Proposition U

Actions taken by the Los Angeles City Council to circumvent possible passage by the city’s voters of Proposition U, the growth-limiting initiative, on the Nov. 4 ballot, have dealt many Los Angeles residents a “low blow” that is intended to thwart the will of the people they have been elected to represent.

The speed with which the new ordinance and a companion rezoning measure have been developed and pushed forward clearly demonstrates the council’s attitude toward--and its contempt for--the democratic process.

Power and politics have joined hands, in this instance, to prevent the voters from taking a stand and/or making a decision that would effect a change.


Never before have I seen such blatant behavior or disregard, and I have certainly seen my share of both at City Hall over the years.

Now there is this. There were more than 100,000 signatures gathered last spring, which ensured a place on next month’s ballot for the initiative. Every single person who cared enough to sign the petition should be letting the City Council and Mayor Tom Bradley know how angry they are at being preempted in this manner.

Los Angeles doesn’t belong to the people who live here. Our representatives at City Hall and their powerful friends have finally made that quite obvious.



Playa del Rey
