
Duarte : Brief Against Incinerator

City officials plan to file a legal brief supporting the state Energy Commission’s ruling that Pacific Waste Management Corp. must prove that it has enough trash to fuel its proposed waste-to-energy incinerator in Irwindale before it is granted a license.

Jesse Duff, deputy city manager, said the city will file the brief next week.

“We feel that the potential for further degradation of air and water quality is so great that the small benefits of the incinerator are outweighed by the negative impacts,” Duff said.

Pacific Waste is questioning the authority of the commission to require proof of trash commitments. The company has filed a petition in Los Angeles Superior Court to block the ruling.


The commission ruled in September that Pacific Waste must show by Dec. 1 that it will have enough trash to fuel the plant at 75% capacity for the first 30 years of operation.
