
Achievements of the Reagan Administration

It seems that there are a lot of people who want desperately to believe in President Reagan’s “leadership”--people like Edward F. Senesi, who wrote to remind us of Reagan’s great achievement as President: that he’s made us feel better about ourselves.

Senesi even quotes a television commercial. “The pride is back,” he says. And maybe if you live in the never-never land of TV, you do feel better when Reagan appears in his tasteful blue suit and tells you everything is all right.

Yes, the soothing President Reagan has told us that “we’re standing tall,” as he trades arms for hostages with Iran. He’s told us that it’s “morning in America,” while his dishonest, cynical appointees break laws, subvert the Constitution, attack civil rights and laws that protect the environment, and pursue an agenda that the majority of Americans disagree with. He’s made it OK to be selfish, bigoted, greedy and ignorant--as long as you “feel good about yourself.”



Los Angeles
