
‘Mom-to-Be Wins in Court’

I was stunned and appalled to read in your paper about the Fullerton woman claiming her 5-month-old fetus as a “second person” when cited for driving in the car-pool lane of the freeway.

Judge Wilkinson has made a joke of the judicial system with his ludicrous ruling. If abortion is not considered “murder” neither can a 5-month-old fetus be considered a “second person” riding in the car.

If the judge is going to be absurd enough to rule in her favor, why wasn’t she cited for this “second person” not being in a car seat as the law requires. Also, why was she not cited for having “two people” in the driver’s seat and why was this “second person” in the driver’s seat without a valid driver’s license. If you’re going to be ridiculous, at least follow the law.



Long Beach
