
Paramount : Construction Fees Imposed

With no public opposition, the school district has imposed development fees on all new construction in the district.

The fees, which will go into effect April 25, are $1.50 per square foot for residential and 25 cents per square foot for commercial construction. The fees will add $3,750 to the cost of building a 2,500-square-foot house.

The fees are the maximum amount permitted by a state law, which took effect in January.

“When the Legislature enacted the law permitting development fees, it placed a stick along with the carrot,” Supt. Joseph M. Montoya III said. The state law penalizes any school district that does not impose the maximum fees by deducting money from a school district’s building funds.


Revenue from the development fees can be applied only to construction, rehabilitation of older buildings or rental of temporary facilities. A. J. Burke, assistant superintendent of business services in the Paramount district, said yearly income from the fees is expected to be about $700,000, which will cover the cost of temporary facilities the district is renting.
