
‘Bump-and-Run’ Warning Repeated

Two or more “bump-and-run” robbers are operating on the Westside and women drivers have been advised to use caution if their cars are bumped by another car, according to Los Angeles Police Sgt. Ted Bach of the Pacific Division.

Bach, who heads the Pacific robbery unit, said there have been at least 15 incidents recently in which cars were struck from behind by another car. When the owners got out to exchange driver identification, they were confronted by men armed with guns, who stole the drivers’ cars and handbags or wallets. In at least one instance, the victim was manhandled, he said.

Bach and other Westside police officials said that women are the most frequent victims. They recommend that anyone whose car is bumped from the rear not stop or open car doors or windows. They should drive to a well-lighted area where a lot of people are nearby, preferably a police station, and report the incident.
