
County : Restrictions Put on Ads at Bus Stop Shelters

Concerned about complaints of unsightly advertising, the county Board of Supervisors specified Wednesday that bus stop shelters with ads be provided in unincorporated areas of the county only at bus stops serving at least 30 riders per day.

The supervisors also set 20 daily riders as the minimum needed before a bench with ads can be provided at a bus stop.

Supervisor Gaddi H. Vasquez, whose constituents have complained for several years that shelters and benches with ads are an eyesore, said the new regulations should provide a “reasonable balance among interests.”


The county takes in about $90,000 a year in fees from private businesses that want to put up shelters and benches with ads.

Vasquez said the benches provide a service for bus riders, especially those who are elderly, but he warned advertisers that they should try to avoid ads that “lack good taste” and should try to keep the areas around the shelters free of litter.

The new regulations specify that if a homeowners’ group is willing to pay to put up its own bench or shelter without advertising, it will be given priority over those with ads.
