
The Region : Mobile Homes for Homeless Planned

Los Angeles city officials agreed to spend $1.5 million to relocate homeless families in 101 mobile homes to be placed at various locations in the city, most of them on property owned by the city Housing Authority. With about half of the money coming from the Community Redevelopment Agency, the relocation is part of an effort to find new shelter for about 600 residents of the city’s outdoor homeless camp near Skid Row, which is scheduled to close soon. James Wood, CRA president, said the mobile homes, which are being bought second-hand from a Utah power agency, represent the first step in a campaign to find new shelter for all camp residents. Wood said that the mayor’s office is considering the purchase of 400 more units to house single people. Wood said that all of the mobile homes are to function as rent-free, temporary shelters, while social service workers help find permanent quarters.
