
4 Acrobats Defect to U.S.

The four Romanian acrobats who defected to our country (Metro, July 7), said they did it because their country takes 35% to 40% of their earnings.

Talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Here, in our wonderful nation-by-the-people-and-for-the-people, they’ll only have to surrender about 31% of their earnings to the federal government. Plus about 6% to the state tax board. And pay a mandatory 15% Social Security/Employment tax. There’s also a 6 1/2% sales tax on most anything you buy in California. And when you’ve finally bought your dream home, our government will confiscate and sell it if you don’t pay thousands in property taxes every year.

You will be taxed when you earn money, taxed when you spend money and taxed to save it; you’re taxed when you eat, taxed to live and taxed to die. Welcome, dear ladies, to the Home of the Fee and the Land of the Fleeced. I’m afraid you’ve just left one circus for another.



Los Angeles
