
Pickup Plows Into Paraders; 2 Die, 29 Hurt

Associated Press

A decorated pickup truck driven by a minister and carrying people in a religious parade lurched forward Saturday into a group of marchers, killing a pregnant woman and a girl and injuring at least 29 people, including a baby.

The accident occurred during the Children and Youth Christian Parade near Blackstone Park in the city’s South End as about 2,000 horrified spectators looked on, said police spokeswoman Jane Sheehan.

“Some people were crying, some of them were screaming and some people were trying to grab the kids,” said Abiezer Ayuso, 19, who witnessed the accident.


“It was like a whole church in front of that truck,” his 18-year-old sister, Betzabe, said.

The driver of the truck, identified as the Rev. Etanislao Gonzales, minister of Puerta de Salvacion Pentecostal Church, has not been charged in the accident, authorities said.

‘Couldn’t Stop It’

“The brakes got loose and the car accelerated by itself,” he said. “I tried to stop it and couldn’t do anything to stop it. I pumped and I pumped.”


The parade was made up of mostly young people from various Christian youth groups, many of them Latinos, who had spent the day in singing songs and preaching, residents of the area said.

The truck, near the end of the parade, was decorated with paper flowers and carrying several people and a live tree, witnesses said.

“There were four people that were pinned under the truck, and the truck was physically lifted by police officers and some of the bystanders,” said Sgt. Jose Garcia, who witnessed the accident.


“I heard the engine of the pickup truck race. The truck lurched forward and into about 30 people that were immediately in front of it,” said Garcia, who speculated that the accident was caused by mechanical failure.

Idalia Cruz, 10, was pronounced dead at Boston City Hospital, administrator Renee Stiles said.

A pregnant woman, Maria Otero Reyes, 21, died of multiple trauma, and seven people, including an 8-month-old infant, were treated for injuries at New England Medical Center, according to spokeswoman Patti Embry.

Thirteen children and nine adults were treated at other hospitals in the area, authorities said.
