
East County : Enlargement of Dam Is Subject of Meeting

A public meeting will be held tonight to discuss environmental effects on an endangered migratory bird species and on archeological sites by the planned enlargement of the Prado Dam and Reservoir

The session, sponsored by the Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, will begin at 7 p.m. at Raney Junior High School, 1010 W. Citron St., Corona. Comments are being sought from area residents, community organizations and government agencies.

The enlargement of the Prado Dam and Reservoir, located just east of the Orange County line and north of the Riverside Freeway, is a major feature of the $1.3 billion Santa Ana River Flood Control project, authorized by Congress in last year’s Water Resources Development Act.


The project is designed to provide flood protection for approximately 2 million people in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

The environmental studies are concentrating on the endangered least Bell’s vireo, a migratory bird which nests in the Prado basin, and on the discovery of many Indian, Mexican and other archeological sites of prehistoric and historic value.
