
Novelists to Appear at Santa Monica Bookstore Sunday

Three novelists who have written about the disenfranchised will read as part of a program at 5 p.m. Sunday at the Midnight Special Bookstore in Santa Monica to call attention to the plight of the homeless of Los Angeles.

They are Richard Krawiec, whose book, “Time Sharing,” is about a desperate couple living on the edge of survival; Adrienne Jones, author of “Street Family,” and Robert Ward, who in “Red Baker” tells the story of unemployed steelworkers in the Rust Belt.

Viking-Penguin and Krawiec have agreed to donate a portion of sales to the National Union of the Homeless. The union is organizing a delegation of Latin American, Central American and Mexican homeless organizations for an Oct. 6 demonstration at the United Nations, which has declared 1987 international year to shelter the homeless.


The bookstore is at 1350 Santa Monica Mall.
