
The Alexander Family Murders

Ciotti wrote: “Some junior high school gang members carry pocket pagers in school. They’ll be in class, the beeper goes off, and they excuse themselves and go make a sale.” After reading this, I stopped and read it again, shook my head and then got angry. The Los Angeles public school system in recent years has left a great deal to be desired, but I feel that those two sentences demonstrate just how appalling this system has become. The teachers, parents of students and members of the Board of Education should all be ashamed for allowing this state to exist in our school system.

We had all better wake up. Teachers should start believing in what they do and know that the education of our youth is an honorable profession. Parents should realize that they certainly are responsible for the actions of their children. And those elected officials of our school system beware: The votes that elected you to office can just as easily become the votes that remove you from office.

Delores M. Cook

