
Concerning public message commercials, it is nice...

Concerning public message commercials, it is nice to see the weather folks from different TV stations come together for an important cause--to stress water conservation. However, it is too bad that KNBC-TV’s management is caught up in the politics of bringing together opposing “enemy” newsmen and now allowing weathermen Fritz Coleman to take part in the ads.

Lori Beller, Laguna Beach

When I found out KCOP Channel 13 was airing “Brides-head Revisited,” I was ecstatic. After viewing the first episode, however, I was appalled. It was edited without even notifying the viewers! What a shame for first-time viewers as well as those of us who were watching it for the second or third time. A masterpiece such as “Brideshead Revisited” should be shown in its complete form or not at all. Next time I’ll tune into PBS.

Leslie Allenbach, Simi Valley
