

Orange County is the most expensive housing market of 25 metropolitan areas included in a survey by the U.S. League of Savings Institutions, with a median home price of 175,000. A profile of the average Orange County homebuyer shows that the buyer is about the same age as the national median, but has a median household income 17% higher, and incurs monthly housing expenses 27% higher than the national medians. (Related story, Part I, Page 1.) MEDIAN HOME PRICES Orange County $175,000 San Francisco $169,347 Boston $161,000 San Diego $156,919 Los Angeles $142,900 New York $142,400 Washington D.C. $137,500 Minneapolis $114,000 Chicago $110,000 Baltimore $106, 500 SOURCE: U.S. League of Savings Institutions

Orange County Survey Average Median Age 36.7 Years 36.8 years First-Time Buyers 37.3% 39.3% Condominium Buyers 27.1% 19.2% New Homes 11.2% 19.0% Homes of 25 or more years 23.4% 36.5% Median Square Footage 1,628 1,501 Median Household Income $61,776 $52,800 Median Down Payment $37,500 $27,000 PURCHASE PRICE Less than $50,000 0.0% 6.8% $50,000 to $89,999 5.5% 19.2% $90,000 to $119,999 10.9% 18.3% $120,000 to $139,999 14.6% 12.4% $140,000 or more 69.0% 43.3% Median Price $175,000 $128,000 MEDIAN MONTHLY HOUSING EXPENSES Mortgage Payment $990 $759 Real Estate Taxes $163 $128 Utilities $100 $100 Hazard Insurance $36 $30 Total Expenses $1,289 $1,017

SOURCE: U.S. League of Savings Institutions
