
House Vote on Contra Aid

While I was delighted that Congress finally blocked aid to the Contras, I was very disappointed by the narrow scope of the debate in Congress. Contra supporters presented a lot of supposedly “factual” information which the opponents made no effort challenge.

Contra supporters predicted a “flood of refugees” if Contra aid failed. I heard nobody point out that millions of refugees are already flooding in. But they’re not coming from Nicaragua; they’re coming from El Salvador and Guatemala, the two countries where death squads carry out their own warped justice, and the rule of law is only a dream.

Why was this information missing from the congressional debate?

On the other side, Rep. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin (D-La.) actually described the idea that we should let Central Americans settle their own problems as a “strange argument.” Contra supporteres can’t possibly believe in democracy if they ignore the wishes of the very Central American presidents whose “democracies” they are praising.



Los Angeles
