
HIGH LIFE : A Rock ‘n’ Roll Star by Any Other Name

What’s in a name? Many of the most famous stars of the music business use fictitious names.

See if you can match the pseudonym in Column A with the star’s real name in Column B. Answers at the end of the column.


1. Cher

2. Bob Dylan

3. Ringo Starr

4. David Bowie

5. Alice Cooper

6. Elvis Costello

7. John Denver

8. Elton John

9. Meat Loaf

10. Freddie Mercury (Queen)

11. Johnny Rotten

12. Gene Simmons (Kiss)

13. Steve Tyler (Aerosmith)

14. Stevie Wonder

15. Lou Reed


A. John Deutschendorf

B. Frederick Bulsara

C. Cherilyn Sasrkisian La Pierre Bono Allman

D. Louis (Butch) Firbank

E. Marvin Lee Aday

F. Robert Allan Zimmerman

G. Steveland Judkins Morris

H. Gene Klein

I. Richard Starkey

J. David Robert Hayward-Jones

K. Declan Patrick MacManus

L. John Lydon

M. Vincent Furnier

N. Steven Tallarico

O. Reginald Dwight

“The greatest love is a mother’s, then a dog’s, then a sweetheart’s.”

--Polish proverb

“When you are in love with someone you want to be near him all the time, except when you are out buying things and charging them to him.”


--from “Miss Piggy’s Guide to Life,” by Henry Beard

“I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I’ve ever known.”

--Walt Disney (1901-1966)

Answers to pseudonym quiz: 1-C; 2-F; 3-I; 4-J; 5-M; 6-K; 7-A; 8-O; 9-E; 10-B; 11-L; 12-H; 13-N; 14-G; 15-D.
