
Palestinians and Mideast Conflict

Former Under Secretary of State Ball’s article (Op-Ed Page, Jan. 17) shows either an amazing lack of memory or a more amazing abundance of venom directed at Israel.

He writes, “Since the West Bank and Gaza Strip were first overrun by Israel’s army in 1967, a Palestinian generation has grown up under the domination of occupation troops. Because three out of four Gazans are under the age of 25, they have never tasted self-rule and increasingly despair of doing so.” It isn’t because they are under the age of 25. No Gazan of any age has tasted self-rule. Ball’s obvious implication is that Israel took self-rule away from them in 1967. What Ball has forgotten or chooses to ignore is that Egypt ruled Gaza for 19 years before 1967 with a military governor and he never gave consideration to allowing an independent Palestinian state. Nor did King Hussein give consideration to allowing an independent Palestinian state for the West Bank that Hussein ruled for the same 19 years. Surely Ball remembers that, since he was an under secretary of state during six of those 19 years.

Shortly after Ball left the State Department, President Nasser of Egypt sent his tanks across the Sinai and closed the Gulf of Aquaba in preparation to take over Israel. Israel was in the position of being annihilated or going to war. That brings us to 1967 and it was Under Secretary of State Eugene Rostow who delivered a message to King Hussein on behalf of Israel promising Hussein immunity if he did not join the war against Israel. The message promised that none of Jordan’s claimed territory, including the West Bank, would be touched by Israel if Hussein did not attack Israel. He attacked Israel.


Ball, we are told, is writing a book about the U.S. relationship to Israel. Let us hope that his memory returns or his venom is contained before he submits the final draft.


Beverly Hills
