
Plain Language Clarified

Felt I had to drop you a note citing the inaccuracy of the headline on page 22 of Friday’s Calendar (Feb. 12). First of all, “Thee Best Have Money and Patience if Thee Wants a Quilt,” leads a story about Amish quilts. The Plain Language (thee, thy etc.) is the language of the Quakers. Now, I know a lot of people think Quakers and Amish are the same beast but it’s not the case. I am a Quaker, born and bred, and yet I’m constantly running into people who wonder why I’m not wearing gray and riding around in a buggy with Harrison Ford.

In addition, the grammar of the line is incorrect. In the Plain Language, the noun thee takes the 2nd person verb. Ergo, the line should read “Thee’d Best Have Money and Patience if Thee Wants a Quilt.”


La Habra
