
Jimmy Swaggart’s Tearful Confession

Ah, the great Jimmy Swaggart! If it is television that makes or breaks presidential candidates these days, that man is a born-to-be President.

He’s magnificent!

Honest? To a fault! This man reads his history and profits from it. When the gig is up, and the handwriting is on the wall, then you loosen up the tear ducts and face the nation. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa . Richard Nixon would never have had to resign if he had done that, and President Ronald Reagan would have had the Iran-Contra mess well behind him by now.

Humble? You bet! As any good Christian knows, humility is the ultimate conceit, and that man is the humblest of us all.


And a fund-raiser? If that man pulled in $142 million in 1986 without even having to tax anybody, he could straighten out our budget and our debt problem within two years.

Step aside, Jesse Jackson. Move over, Pat Robertson. Make way for a candidate who has proven he knows how to get things done.


Laguna Beach
